Catalytic ovens

Explore our collection of catalytic self-cleaning ovens for effortless cooking. Simplify your culinary experience with our high-quality models. Shop at and enjoy fast delivery.

Beko bbim12300xce Beko bbim12300xce 2
  • -€20.00

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Beko bbim12300xce

Fours catalyse Beko bbim12300xce - Beko - mf. 72l. 9pr. chal puls. A+. inox.
Indesit ifw 6540 cix Indesit ifw 6540 cix 2
  • -€20.00

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Indesit ifw 6540 cix

Fours catalyse Indesit ifw 6540 cix - Indesit - 66l, 8fn, chal tourn, A, inox
Brandt bfc8500x Brandt bfc8500x 2
  • -€50.00

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Brandt bfc8500x

Fours catalyse Brandt bfc8500x - Brandt - mf+.70l.manettes.cA.noir.
Beko bbim13301xc Beko bbim13301xc 2
  • -€50.00

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Beko bbim13301xc

Fours catalyse Beko bbim13301xc - Beko - mf. 72l. 9pr. chal puls 3d. A+. inox.
Candy fidcx665/1 Candy fidcx665/1 2
  • -€50.00

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Candy fidcx665/1

Fours catalyse Candy fidcx665/1 - Candy - idea. mf. 65l. 6fn. timer touch. A+. inox.
Candy fidcn665 Candy fidcn665 2
  • -€60.00

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Candy fidcn665

Fours catalyse Candy fidcn665 - Candy - idea. mf. 65l. 6fn. timer touch. A+. noir.
Whirlpool akz96240nb Whirlpool akz96240nb 2
  • -€130.00

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Whirlpool akz96240nb

Fours catalyse Whirlpool akz96240nb - Whirlpool - mf.73l.10fnct.chal puls.6ss.A+.noir.
Electrolux eof3c40th Electrolux eof3c40th 2
  • -€160.00

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Electrolux eof3c40th

Fours catalyse Electrolux eof3c40th - Electrolux - mf. 72l. puls. push/pull. sens. A. pure black.
Miele h2465bobsw Miele h2465bobsw 2
  • -€50.00

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Miele h2465bobsw

Fours catalyse Miele h2465bobsw - Miele - mf, 76l, 15pr, 8mod, chalpuls, A+, nr obsidien
Whirlpool omr553cr0x Whirlpool omr553cr0x 2
  • -€210.00

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Whirlpool omr553cr0x

Fours catalyse Whirlpool omr553cr0x - Whirlpool - 71l. mf5. cook3. A. inox
Indesit ifw 5844 cix Indesit ifw 5844 cix 2
  • -€50.00

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Indesit ifw 5844 cix

Fours catalyse Indesit ifw 5844 cix - Indesit - mf. 71l. 11fnct. clA+. inox.
Bosch hba 5560 s 0 Bosch hba 5560 s 0 2
  • -€120.00

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Bosch hba 5560 s 0

Fours catalyse Bosch hba 5560 s 0 - Bosch - s6. ecoclean. mf. 71l. elec. A. inox
Whirlpool akz 96240 ix Whirlpool akz 96240 ix 2
  • -€90.00

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Whirlpool akz 96240 ix

WHI-AKZ 96240 IX
Fours catalyse Whirlpool akz 96240 ix - Whirlpool - abso. 73l. mf. 6sens. A+. inox.
Siemens vb 558 c 0 s 0 Siemens vb 558 c 0 s 0 2
  • -€361.00

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Siemens vb 558 c 0 s 0

Fours catalyse Siemens vb 558 c 0 s 0 - Siemens - iq500. 90cm. 85l. clA+. elec. ix